Be Available For Life To Happen With Bill Murray

April 7, 2021

Today’s show is very special and jam packed with tons of value. Trust me, you will not leave today’s show anything but inspired. Back by popular demand...we dive back into the mind of the one and only BILL MURRAY!!!

We learn a little bit more about Bill’s past and teachings that led to such a beautifully unique perspective on life and how we can be a little more like Bill Murray and good at let go and play.

This Week’s PRO TIP is: Ponder this quote from the one and only Bill: “Be available for life to happen.” - Bill Murray. Take a bit of time and LET GO OF the busy in your life in order for life to happen. Slow down and let go of the shoulds, to make room for the coulds. Answer this question: “How can you make yourself more available for life to happen?”

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