Dealing With Cheeky People and Being a Stellar Friend, Husband, and Business Partner With Jordan Fultz

November 17, 2020

Jordan Fultz joins us today to discuss the importance of going above and beyond (accept and build) in the workplace, validating cheeky clients, and being a good friend. Jordan is a husband and father of two young lads. He works for a marketing agency to benefit clients who need help with their paid search channels. Jordan has ample experience with Play Theory workshops in a variety of settings, and has been a professional improvisational comedian for ten years for paying audiences. His passion project is the website he and his wife created for Dungeons and Dragons hobbyists, named His favorite music is that of Fleetwood Mac, though he has a new obsession with K-pop group Twice as a quarantine hobby that he and his whole family enjoys. He also has a hypoallergenic shih tzu dog named Momo. Jordan is vehemently anti-glitter.

This Week’s PRO TIP is: Observe, analyze, and improve your interactions with others.

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One comment on “Dealing With Cheeky People and Being a Stellar Friend, Husband, and Business Partner With Jordan Fultz”

  1. I try and share the episodes I've listened to on my Facebook page and send links to a few of my friends' inboxes on Facebook too. I like to be in the background so I hope I'm helping. I'll try and get more time to finish this episode. All the best

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