Does Happiness Elude You?

October 19, 2022
LaRee Florence

Who do you think is happier? Someone who was suddenly paralyzed in an accident or people who’d just won the lottery? Seems obvious right? You may be surprised to learn that according to a study by the University of Massachusetts, people who were paralyzed from an accident had more hopeful outlooks than people who’d won the lottery. How can that be? Listen up as we dive deep into 5 scientifically proven habits that build long term happiness.

Play of the Week: Our play of the week’s a bit of a doosey as we try to incorporate all  5 of the steps we can take to improve our mood. Ready? Take the initiative and try out a new form of physical exercise with someone else. Also do a kind act or some service and get enough sleep this week! 

5 Science Based Habits That Lead to Long Lasting Happiness

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