Failure is Not Fatal, It Is The Courage To Continue That Counts

November 9, 2020

Failure is not the end of the’s the PATH! Today we explore Let Go and Play and how to pivot when things don’t work out the way we were planning. Remember that “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts” - Winston Churchill.

CALL TO ACTION: When we began the Happiness Playbook we had big plans. We don’t want to be just another feel-good podcast that you tune into once and then forget about.

We wanted to start a movement of happiness, connection, and wellbeing! Well the movement has started and I’m so happy to report that we are in the top 35% of ALL podcasts!

But we have a goal and we want to bring you in the loop. We want to expand our reach and bring these principles of truth to the world. There are so many crazy, negative, hurtful, and downright HARD things going on and we want to combat that...but we need YOUR help!

Today I’m officially recruiting you onto our Pro Team. You are now in the Happiness big leagues and the time is more important than ever to bring the world positivity, light, and joy through these principles.

So here’s our play...we want to expand our reach and influence and if we get everyone who listens to gets just ONE more person to listen then we will reach our goal and be in the top 20% of podcasts. 

This Week’s PRO TIP is: 

  • Write down one thing that didn’t go your way on a piece of paper and then throw it away! THEN pivot and play forward into a better tomorrow. 

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Remember that Life is a team sport, so let's play together!

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4 comments on “Failure is Not Fatal, It Is The Courage To Continue That Counts”

  1. I swear I did not forget the call to action! I have recently shared this podcast with around 3 of my close friends, Dallin, Kate and Mateo, and they have just recently reached out to me to tell me how much they enjoy it. One of my friends, a psychology major, talked about how this podcast was an applicable arm of his studies, and he has loved following along and trying out all the pro tips. It has given us yet another fun thing to talk about throughout the week, and it has given another new, positive aspect to our relationship. Letting go and playing really diffuses the tension of the week and allows us to just have fun while we learn new skills. Thank you for this podcast and what it does for my family and friends!

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