Offering Help to the Grieving

November 30, 2022
LaRee Florence

How do we offer support and care for others who are suffering the loss of a loved one? It can be scary if we're afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing. The last thing we want is to make it worse. In this episode we'll talk about an immediate loss in my theater troupe and offer some tips and encouragement on helpful things to do and say when some one you know is grieving.

Play of the Week: Take a deep breath. Hug a loved one for an extra 10 seconds, don’t be the first to let go. Lean into life remembering that no matter how much we exercise or practice good health habits, ultimately we don’t call the shots on when it will end for any of us. Be present with your loved ones in this precious experience we call life. Savor the moments. And if you know someone who is currently going through the unimaginable, Look outward and let them know you see them, you love them and that you’re here for them. 

Pushing Through the Unimaginable, by Emily Schofield

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