If you’ve you ever thought you heard one thing but ended up being wrong you'll enjoy this episode. Communication can be tricky. Misunderstandings happen despite having more ways of communication available than ever in the history of the world. We all still see things from our own perspective which makes effective communication and understanding challenging. Saying "you're wrong" or “stop thinking that way” to someone you disagree with is the antithesis of looking outward and instead is a reflection of a selfish desire to control another person by demanding that they accept your perception and reject their own feelings and experience.

Play of the Week: When you're not understanding or seeing another person’s truth, try to imagine standing in their shoes, or to say it another way, try looking outward, beyond your own perception and accept what their perception is, even if you don’t agree with it.


Acceptance is necessary before we can build anything. But acceptance can be hard. There are some things we really struggle to accept, like other's opinions and perceptions. What if there was a script to help you develop more acceptance in relationships and conversations? You're in luck cause Tony Overbay, a certified Marriage Family Therapist and host of The Virtual Couch Podcast and Waking Up to Narcissism Podcast, has come up with The Four Pillars of a Connected Conversation which we will break down in more detail in this episode.

Play of the Week: Use the 4 pillars of a connected conversation to strengthen a relationship in your life. Here they are again. And if all else fails use the shortcut script of "Yes, and.."

  1. Assume the other’s good intentions.
  2. Accept the other’s perception as their truth.
  3. Ask questions before commenting.
  4. Don’t go into victim mode.

Tony Overbay, Learn How to Be a Better You


Everybody has regrets- some are harmless while others can haunt us for the rest of our lives if we let them. In this episode I'll be sharing some of my regrets and hopefully helping you better manage yours by using the PLAY THEORY principle, Let Go and Play.

Play of the Week: Listen to Taylor Swift's Shake It Off. Turn it up and dance! Then when you feel yourself giving into your doubts, remember how it feels to Let it Go and Play and shake it off.


According to the National Institutes of Health, nearly 1 in 3  of all adolescents ages 13 to 18 will experience an anxiety disorder, and these numbers are steadily rising. Adults are no better off. How can Play Theory help turn this trend around? Being in the now dissolves anxiety and regret. In this episode we explore 8 ways to practice being more in the now, an essential happiness skill.

Play of the Week: Everyday, take a minute and choose one of the 8 ways to enter the now— and PRACTICE being present. Here's a quick review of the 8 ways: breath meditation, focus on the inner body, focus on touch, recite a mantra, wait for the next thought, be aware of sounds within silence, listen closely to another's words, focus on movement.

8 ways to enter the present moment  by Einzelgänger

Anxiety in Teens is Rising: What's Going On?


How many of you brush your teeth? Do you do it more than once in awhle? More than once a week? Daily? Twice a day? What would happen if you didn’t? That depends on what you consume. Is your life saturated in empty, societal sugars devoid of nourishing nutrients that instead of fueling you fuels the bad players in your mental health? If so, you're not alone, and... you need a Mental Hygiene Practice. You've come to the right place.

Play of the Week: SHARE PLAY THEORY with a teenager in your life that needs a Mental Health Hygiene practice.

CDC Numbers

Downsides to Sugar

What Eating Too Much Sugar Does to Our Brains

In this episode we're sharing another Japanese secret to living a long and happy life. Ikigai is having something that makes you want to get up in the morning, work hard and makes you happy. The centurions of Okinawa all have ikigai. In Japan people never really retire, there isn’t even a word for retirement in the Japanese language. They keep working or if not employed, stay busy with meaningful activities. The centurions living in Okinawa are no different. They have meaningful, purposeful activities that keep them busy everyday. 

Play of the Week: Start each morning with a review of your purpose for the day. Then ask if that daily purpose is serving your larger ikigai. Purpose is often found in serving others. So Look Outward and ask what is needed to make your corner of the community better.  

Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life

Episode 89: How it all Began

In this episode we're talking about an idea that contributes to the well being, longevity and happiness of the women of Okinawa: Shikata ga nai, a Japanese concept meaning “it cannot be helped.”  Some similar sayings are "roll with the punches," "shake it off" and the musically now infamous “Let it go.” There’s also "adapt or die." That one’s kinda harsh but there’s truth in this idea. Remember the dinosaurs? They were the toughest guys on the planet. But they didn’t adapt and now they’re dead. Adapt or die. Think on that when you’re struggling to flex your acceptance muscle. It’s worth the struggle!

PLAY of the WEEK: Write down shikata ga nai and post it somewhere you'll see it to remind you to accept that somethings cannot be helped and to let them go. Review this idea regularly during the week so that when you feel that frustration of not having something go your way, maybe it’s a test, or a even just missing the green light and having to wait a few minutes longer than planned you can LET IT GO and ACCEPT it. 

Boston University School of Public Health Study

KINTSUGI WELLNESS: The Japanese Art of Nourishing Mind, Body, and Spirit by Candice Kumai. 

This week I sit down with one of my favorite people, Jaydee Sheppard. I love her for so many reasons. She is amazing and down to earth. Tune in to learn how PLAY THEORY helped this mom of 8 launch a successful career in a very competitive real estate market, rising to the top 3% in just 18 months.

Play of the Week: Value your process over the end result or product. This looks like putting in the effort to study for long term comprehension rather than for a specific test. In a career or other situation where the outcome is not entirely in your control, what you can control is the process that you put in place to achieve a desired outcome.


Did you know there’s one thing that EVERYONE can do to improve their overall well being and increase their longevity? Have you heard the term breath work? Don’t let the name discourage you cause it’s not hard to do. And the rewards more than make up for any effort. Our ability to control out breath is unique when compared to all the other systems in our bodies. When we do breath work we are consciously able to affect our bodies, and therefore our feelings and well being on a subconscious level. And this has some wonderful benefits.

Play of the Week: The next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, anxious, angry, triggered, or have trouble sleeping do some breathe work to bring you back to the present and help calm that sympathetic fight or fight energy. When you’re feeling distracted, or you find yourself focused on something in the past or the future instead of being in the current moment, square your shoulders and take a deep long breath, following it all the way to the tips of your lungs, then just sit with it for a moment or two. As the need to inhale grows try to identify the exact moment your lungs switch form holding the air in to letting it go out and then as you breath in, find the moment that the lungs stop exhaling and start to draw air in. After a few minutes of this focus, as you return to your regular activity notice the increased awareness and peace that you feel. 

Wimhof Breathing Method

It takes regular and committed practice to develop and maintain a healthy mental mindset. Every day we have to get up and try again. It takes intention and the commitment to follow through on those intentions  Encouragement and support are essential as we take these transformational steps. That’s what The Happiness Playbook is all about. We want to be your personal trainer for your happiness practice. 

Play of the Week: Go all in on your commitment to a happiness practice. Lean in and accept the weekly challenges and take action with intention. If you’re on Social media tag The Happiness Playbook on a post and let us know you’re officially on Team Happiness.

Improving Her Depression, Woman Tries Something New Every Day for a Year–And Vows to Keep it Up

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