Maybe in life we’re all like waterskiers; some are in the proverbial boat with friends watching the action, some are driving the boat and offering support and suggestions for success. And some of us are in the water. And just like being in the water- some things in life are harder for some than for others. We can at times feel sunk by overwhelming pressures and burdens. There are addictions, relationship struggles, loneliness and health challenges. They can be so deep below the surface that no one else sees the struggles and pressures and others have no idea we are dealing with that makes trying to get up so hard.

That's why Looking Outward is so important. We can't see what's below the surface.

Play of the Week: Imagine every person you see this week facing a struggle to get up out of the water and rise up above the forces trying to keep them down. If there’s someone you know who is struggling, Look Outward and offer support. Maybe it’s checking in with "How ya doing?" Maybe you can offer a hug? Maybe it’s a quick word of encouragement or validation. I promise, there is someone you know that needs this from you. 

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