When We Teach We Learn

June 29, 2022
LaRee Florence

In this episode we continue our conversation with Janna Hargadon, the co-founder of Take Note Troupe, about how Play Theory began. We'll even learn a little Latin: Homines Dum docent, discunt. This idea, that when we teach we learn, is a powerful tool to help us deepen our understanding of ideas and practices we value enough to share with others. And why wouldn't we want to share something that benefits everyone?

Play of the Week: Is there something you know about that would encourage or help someone in your sphere of influence? Take some time to share that insight with them. Maybe it’s a new skill like making making sourdough bread, or maybe it’s an awesome weekly podcast that helps you practice happiness… hint hint. What ever it is, sharing your wisdom will help solidify your understanding of it. 

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